Telemedicine: What are the options for hospital institutions?

 At this historical time, it is critical to identify and have technologies that streamline healthcare processes, and in turn, offer physical distance between the healthcare provider and the patient.

Most health service organizations have been using technologies for decades to document clinical encounters with their patients and provide additional services to help their clients, even telemedicine.

For Puerto Rico, Direct Relief said that telehealth while supports the immediate goal to protect patients and healthcare workers during the public health emergency, is a sustainable solution to the island’s scarcity of healthcare professionals and transportation barriers. Telemedicine is Sweeping Puerto Rico, and it’s here to stay - Direct Relief

Even CMS is proposing Medicare Telehealth Coverage as permanent after the public health emergency.

As part of federal requirements, hospitals must provide a portal for their patients to access their clinical information. But how can the patient be offered virtual visits integrated with hospital information systems?

In Puerto Rico and the United States, countless hospitals are part of the hundreds of hospitals that use the Meditech electronic medical record system (EHR).

In favor of continuity efforts for treatments, routine care, detection, and management of patients who could potentially be contaminated with COVID-19, Meditech incorporated a functionality that allows virtual visits through its patient portal. By using this functionality, the doctor has access to the patient's health history and allows him to capture the meeting information in real-time, immediately integrating it into the medical record within the same Meditech system.

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Having that amount of expertise on the island is excellent news!

Himms Telehealth survey reported that while nearly 73% of those surveyed cited security and privacy of a telehealth visit as important, 65% also said they will use whatever system their provider uses and trust it as secure enough. Himms- Consumer respectives on Telehealth and Virtual healthcare Survey Highlights.

Meditech provides a safe environment where patients can schedule their visits, verify demographics, pay any necessary fees, respond to pre-visit questionnaires, and launch the visits—all from within their patient portals.

All data connected to the system enables the provider to review the latest results with the patient and place necessary orders and document the visit in real-time. Providers decide when they are available for video visits and can build the visits into their schedules.

As a result of Meditech in Puerto Rico, the hospitals of the island have available consulting services, which for their commitment, reliability, and experience have become the undisputed leaders of the implementation of the platform, qualifying them as specialists in the management of projects that impact the health industry.

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