8:00 AM08:00

Asociación de Hospitales de PR | HIT Summit 2021

HIT Summit 2021

Health Information Technology Summit: Interoperability, Improving Patient Access, Cybersecurity

Venue: Sheraton Convention Center
Date: June 25, 2021
Continuing Education Credits requested: 6.00
For: Physicians, Health Services Administrators

Asociación de Hospitales de Puerto Rico- logo vertical.PNG

HospitalesPR - HIT Summit Agenda- 2021

Send Registration form in the button below through any of these channels:

  • MAIL : Villa Nevárez Professional Center, 120 Calle 2 Ste. 101, San Juan PR 00927-5303

  • FAX: 787-753-9748

  • EMAIL : info@hospitalespr.org

For more information call (787) 764-0290

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8:00 AM08:00

Centro Comprensivo de Cáncer | COVID-19 vaccinations for Cancer Patients

  • Hospital del Centro Comprensivo de Cáncer de la UPR (HCCCUPR) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Centro Comprensivo de Cáncer | COVID-19 vaccination Clinic for Cancer Patients

Where: Hospital 2nd Floor

For Information and Appointments: +1-787-936-1477 ext. 5427, 5306 or 5426


  1. Be 16+ years old with a current diagnosis, in treatment and remission.

  2. Evidence of medical certification, if the person is in active treatment.

You can review Trinexus Health Capsule: Should cancer patients and survivors get the COVID-19 vaccine?

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9:00 AM09:00

TRINEXUS | Be a HERO, Give Blood

In collaboration with EO Puerto Rico, SLP’s, Friends, Employees, and Families, we would like to invite you to be a HERO and donate blood for the Blood Bank of Puerto Rico- which supplies blood to the complex of Centro Medico in Rio Piedras.

With the pandemic, the blood bank in Centro Medico has reduced dramatically. Today the bank has a blood supply for only 2 to 3 days, while it should have a supply of 7 to 14 days for any emergency.

The supply is not enough today to help people against any emergency, such as earthquakes or hurricanes. And the hurricane season is almost here!

For this reason, the organization must now recover a good amount of blood supply to be prepared for any emergency.

If you are concerned about COVID-19 during the blood donation process, we can tell you there is a set of protocols to make HEROES as yourself and the team secure.

SECURITY Protocols
There will be high-security standards where the blood HEROES can feel secure with the process and blood collection.   

  • The temperature will be taken.

  • Washing hands with soap and water.

  • Give a surgical mask to any person that arrives with a cloth mask.

  • The areas will be sanitized for HEROS to arrive.

  • The Blood Bank staff will be fully protected and is already vaccinated against COVID-19.

  • You don’t have to go to a hospital, the blood collection will be done at Ciudadela, Santurce.

Event- Be a Hero give Blood.jfif
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12:00 PM12:00

HIMSS | Population Health through Telehealth: Industry Trends and Career Opportunities Webinar

HIMSS Webinar

This interactive panel discussion will address the patient, organizational and clinical opportunities and challenges in leveraging telehealth to support population health. The group will also discuss the expanding career opportunities and workforce skills required to achieve success in the future.

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11:30 AM11:30

HIMSS | Episode 5: The Future of Disruption

HIMSS Digital Series: Accelerate Health

The last episode in the 2021 series will explore how non-traditional healthcare players are rattling patient expectations and moving the consumerization needle like never before (think: video games for seniors, virtual hospitals, and growing retail partnerships). Hear about the long-term impacts of these developing disruptions from the behind-the-scenes innovators leading the charge.

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2:00 PM14:00

MEDITECH | Bring Precision Medicine to Your Community with Expanse Genomics


Genomics has become a multi-billion dollar industry and patients are beginning to expect their providers to understand and apply it. Join Dr. Marsha Fearing and MEDITECH Product Manager Jennifer Ford for a demonstration of the power of our integrated, EHR-based approach to genomic medicine.

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to Apr 15

CHIME21 | Virtual Spring Forum

  • Google Calendar ICS

CHiME21 | Virtual Experience | Spring Forum

New, big, bold and groundbreaking! Centered on three core themes – Views from Health Tech, Views from Big Tech and a focus on the Health Provider Voice – the CHIME21 lineup of LIVE panel discussions featuring industry powerhouses and digital health innovators in addition to ample opportunities to interact with peers contributes to a can’t miss event.

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11:30 AM11:30

HIMSS | Population Health through Telehealth: Industry Trends and Career Opportunities Webinar

HIMSS Webinar
This interactive panel discussion will address the patient, organizational and clinical opportunities and challenges in leveraging telehealth to support population health. The group will also discuss the expanding career opportunities and workforce skills required to achieve success in the future.

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